
Death by Nalgene?

There is a very interesting article on Sepia Mutiny (via the NYT) about the possible health risks of using Nalgene bottles. Apparently Canada is about to declare bisphenol-a, or B.P.A, a toxic chemical. B.P.A is used in polycarbonate plastics, the same plastics that make up that bottle you love.

Unfortunately, I just purchased a Nalgene bottle from the U. of Michigan store a couple weeks ago. If you are convinced that your Nalgene bottle is going to kill you, be sure to recycle it (recycle symbol 7).

BTW, Nalgene seems to be addressing the issue by phasing out bottles which contain BPA. Let's see if the brand can recover from this kind of hit.


Why Not Bop? said...

I think you raise a good point in regards to the brand, especially since the new Swiss bottles are coming out that are promoting themselves as not having this particular plastic component. What I find even more curious is that there are so many negative components to so many things we use every day, is this just the tip of the iceberg before consumers start asking even more questions??

Liz said...

Hey Kethan, have you seen this website? http://www.iatp.org/ Look at their Smart Plastics Guide and FAQ. A couple weeks ago I sent a mass email out about BPA b/c I think it's so important that we get rid of it and every other toxic component in our lives. Scientists claim that the impact on our bodies is negligible, but if I can eliminate these types of things from my life, then I will. It's just one small step, but it could have an impact on my health in the future.