

Sorry that I haven't posted in a while. I just finished my first year of school and have been basking in my free time.

During that time I have been checking out some new blogs. One of them is PostSecret, which is a continuation of a book by the same name. After flipping through Lauren's copy of the book, I found myself intrigued by people willing to share their deepest secrets for this project. I have posted a sample "secret" below. Be sure to check out the blog every Sunday.


Death by Nalgene?

There is a very interesting article on Sepia Mutiny (via the NYT) about the possible health risks of using Nalgene bottles. Apparently Canada is about to declare bisphenol-a, or B.P.A, a toxic chemical. B.P.A is used in polycarbonate plastics, the same plastics that make up that bottle you love.

Unfortunately, I just purchased a Nalgene bottle from the U. of Michigan store a couple weeks ago. If you are convinced that your Nalgene bottle is going to kill you, be sure to recycle it (recycle symbol 7).

BTW, Nalgene seems to be addressing the issue by phasing out bottles which contain BPA. Let's see if the brand can recover from this kind of hit.


Ethan Kaplan on Mahalo Daily

Interesting episode of Mahalo Daily featuring Ethan Kaplan, VP of Technology at Warner Bros Records. The topic is the blending of music and technology. You can watch it here, and check out Ethan's blog at blackrimglasses.com


The Virgins [band] are awesome!

Check out their sounds on their homepage or MySpace page. (thanks to M.McQuinn and his annual best of mix)


I still want a MacBook Air...

but I'll settle for one of these:


Revision3 - Stop watching network TV!

I hate paying for cable (and all the shows and content I will never watch). Revision3, and other IPTV networks, work to break the old cable model by letting you choose the content that you actually want. A few of my favorite Rev3 shows include Diggnation, The Totally Rad Show, and Tekzilla. You can subscribe to Rev3 video podcasts through Apple's iTunes (my pref), the Miro IPTV player, or watch them directly on their website.



is awesome. Most of you already know about Pandora Online Radio and it's sweet sweet tunes, but for the few that don't...check it out.


Viigo - RSS Reader for Mobile Devices

Hands down, the best RSS reader I've used on a mobile device. I've been using Viigo on my Blackberry 8700c for about two months and it is super slick. It's much sleeker than reading news and blogs on the clunky Blackberry web browser and is faster than Opera Mini (on my device). Viigo comes preloaded with some popular RSS feeds, but I was able to customize it with my favorite feeds in a few minutes.

Check it out at viigo.com.


April 1st ;)